Siding Repair and Replacement

Tell Tale Signs to Replace

  • Dry Rot

  • Warped Siding

  • Increased Energy Bill

  • Loose or Cracked Siding

  • Holes

  • Bubbling

  • Severe Fading

  • Mildew, Fungus, and Mold

Your siding is not only the first thing that people see, but it is also your home’s first line of defense against weather, animals and more. At ATC, we offer a variety of siding and soffit options for your home and business. Our company can help you with all of your remodeling projects and can help you find the right style and color that fits your taste. We provide an in-depth free estimate on our initial appointment and will help you crate a plan for your property that fits within your budget. Call us today at 256-759-3359 to schedule your free estimate.